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Safety science

Journal Volume: 102
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2018
Articles in SafetyLit: 24

A novel global operational concept in cockpits under peak workload situations

Addressing the epistemic uncertainty in maritime accidents modelling using Bayesian network with interval probabilities

Analysis of an explosion accident at Dangyang Power Plant in Hubei, China: causes and lessons learned

Automated driving: safety blind spots

Building information modeling in combination with real time location systems and sensors for safety performance enhancement

Categories of measures to guide choice of human factors methods for nuclear power plant control room evaluation

Development of decision support tool for optimizing urban emergency rescue facility locations to improve humanitarian logistics management

Dynamic crowd evacuation approach for the emergency route planning problem: application to case studies

Effects of flare operation on landing safety: a study based on ANOVA of real flight data

Fuzzy cognitive maps for adverse drug event risk management

HSE risk prioritization using robust DEA-FMEA approach with undesirable outputs: a study of automotive parts industry in Iran

Mixed-method analysis of truck driver health knowledge using an online forum

Multi-plant emergency response for tackling major accidents in chemical industrial areas

Perceptions of autonomous vehicles: relationships with road users, risk, gender and age

Process versus personal accidents within sociotechnical systems: loss of control of process versus personal energy?

Regulation or criminalisation: what determines legal standards of safety culture in commercial aviation?

Resilience engineering: current status of the research and future challenges

Restoration resource allocation model for enhancing resilience of interdependent infrastructure systems

Risk evaluation using a novel hybrid method based on FMEA, extended MULTIMOORA, and AHP methods under fuzzy environment

Risk minimization in isolated subsurface structures through ventilation induced by natural forces

Safety in hard times - a qualitative analysis of safety concerns in two industrial plants under financial duress

Safety knowledge transfer through mobile virtual reality: a study of aviation life preserver donning

The quality of the post academic course 'management of safety, health and environment (MoSHE) of Delft University of Technology

The simulation of urban-scale evacuation scenarios with application to the Swinley forest fire